Instacart Complaint Sentiment: Negative

Our sentiment meter has identified a 100% increase in complaints about Instacart over the past 28 days compared to the average rate. This underscores potential challenges in customer experience. For informed decision-making, we strongly recommend reviewing the complaints before considering Instacart's offerings.

Sentiment data last updated on April 26, 2024

Instacart complaint process

Do you have a dispute or had a bad customer experience with Instacart? Submit your Instacart complaint through our platform to support its escalation, prompting their customer service to resolve it.

We will make sure that your complaint receives the attention it deserves by utilizing our public transparent complaint process, social media, and other tools at our disposal. Our goal is to make sure your complaint is taken seriously by the complaint department of Instacart.

By sharing your review on our platform, you not only assist other consumers but also contribute to our efforts in gathering valuable complaints data and feedback. Your insights are crucial for others to make informed decisions. In return, our support community may offer advice or feedback on how to address your problem.

Finally, we can turn your complaint into a professional Instacart complaint letter — and send it to their corporate office on your behalf.

How to file a complaint about Instacart?

File your complaint through our hassle-free complaint form to maximize the chance of resolving it. We make sure your complaint gets the attention it deserves!

Instacart complaints chart

We have received 41 complaints about Instacart over the last 12 months. The graph below shows a monthly breakdown.


Instacart complaint statistics

Curious about Instacart's track record in addressing complaints within the Supermarkets / Grocery Stores category? Dive into the all-time complaints data right here!

Total complaints
Open Complaints
Complaints pending
Complaints resolved
/10 357 ratings

How to contact the customer service of Instacart?

Below, you will find the contact information for the complaint department of Instacart. To amplify the impact of your complaint, please use our complaint form.

Complaint line phone number:
Contact form:

You can contact the customer service of Instacart by calling 1-888-246-7822. If you want to reach out to Instacart through their own website, you can use their contact form.

Help us refine our customer service directory! Share updated or missing contact info to ensure everyone has the latest details.

Instacart reviews: (357)

Authentic experiences shared by our community for your benefit.

Deduction from personal bank account

Complaint from Richard Christian on 08 May 2022 about Instacart.

My wife placed an order for $195, tax, tip and delivery charges included. Instacart deducted an additional $220 from her debit card account. This put her account in an overdrawn position. In VERY SMALL PRINT this practice is explained in... Read more

Comments: 0

customer service

Complaint from Didi B on 06 May 2022 about Instacart.

They deactivated my account. I have been on the phone with 3 service reps today. They cannot reactivate my account even if I gave them all my info. They sent me a form to fill out that... Read more

Comments: 0

Deactivating accounts

Complaint from Veldeb on 04 May 2022 about Instacart.

Instacart deactivated my shopper account, even though I was not at fault, they refuse to listen to my reasons even after sending them the proof they requested. Read more

Comments: 0

Charged on wrong card, lost access to Costco promotion

Complaint from Josh P on 30 April 2022 about Instacart.

Instacart app somehow changed from my default card to another when Annual membership was charged. I contacted customer service who said it would be easy to correct and told me to resubscribe with my new card. When I... Read more

Comments: 0

Shopper used my credit card to do their own shopping

Complaint from dbraydon on 28 April 2022 about Instacart.

I placed an order today through the Fred Meyer website. There were a total of 28 items on this order with substitutions for 6 items permitted. I received text messages from the shopper concerning 5 items being out of stock.... Read more

Comments: 0

Orders vs Pay

Complaint from NM on 28 April 2022 about Instacart.

As a shopper, I feel as though customers are taking advantage by having the shopper do their grocery shopping. Ex: shopping for 70 items but only receiving possibly $10 is NOT worth the batch or the pay. Not only is... Read more

Comments: 0

Instacart Shopper

Complaint from jaysonm on 24 April 2022 about Instacart.

On 42322 an Instacart shopper came to our establishment at 8:22PM when we close at 8:30PM, We kindly informed the shopper that we close in 8 minutes and she replied Well im in the store so you will have... Read more

Comments: 0


Complaint from Eremysi on 22 April 2022 about Instacart.

On Monday, 4182022, I accepted a batch for $14 and some change as usual. While enroute to the store I received a message stating it was from an Instacart representative Peter S at 415-696-9990. The messaged stated that I needed... Read more

Comments: 0

Unpaid batch

Complaint from on 19 April 2022 about Instacart.

I accepted a batch on 41722@1:07pm I arrived at Walmart upon my arrival the instacart app wouldn't let me click start shopping, So I proceeded to shop 2 Ribeye thin cut steaks, 2) 20lb bags of Smoked wood barbecue wood.... Read more

Comments: 0

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