Ollies Bargain Outlet Complaint Sentiment: Neutral

Our sentiment meter has detected that Ollies Bargain Outlet complaints over the past 28 days have remained within our normal fluctuation range, showing a change of 0%. While some customers might experience challenges with Ollies Bargain Outlet, the steady level of complaints indicates that there hasn’t been a surge in widespread issues recently.

Sentiment data last updated on April 27, 2024

Ollies Bargain Outlet complaint process

Do you have a dispute or had a bad customer experience with Ollies Bargain Outlet? Submit your Ollies Bargain Outlet complaint through our platform to support its escalation, prompting their customer service to resolve it.

We will make sure that your complaint receives the attention it deserves by utilizing our public transparent complaint process, social media, and other tools at our disposal. Our goal is to make sure your complaint is taken seriously by the complaint department of Ollies Bargain Outlet.

By sharing your review on our platform, you not only assist other consumers but also contribute to our efforts in gathering valuable complaints data and feedback. Your insights are crucial for others to make informed decisions. In return, our support community may offer advice or feedback on how to address your problem.

Finally, we can turn your complaint into a professional Ollies Bargain Outlet complaint letter — and send it to their corporate office on your behalf.

How to file a complaint about Ollies Bargain Outlet?

File your complaint through our hassle-free complaint form to maximize the chance of resolving it. We make sure your complaint gets the attention it deserves!

Ollies Bargain Outlet complaints chart

We have received 20 complaints about Ollies Bargain Outlet over the last 12 months. The graph below shows a monthly breakdown.


Ollies Bargain Outlet complaint statistics

Curious about Ollies Bargain Outlet's track record in addressing complaints within the Interior shops category? Dive into the all-time complaints data right here!

Total complaints
Open Complaints
Complaints pending
Complaints resolved
/10 72 ratings

Ollies Bargain Outlet reviews: (72)

Authentic experiences shared by our community for your benefit.


Complaint from jpeeples80@att.net on 04 August 2022 about Ollies Bargain Outlet.

It was thundering and lightning we all went to the front of the store and I don't know who the guy was but he told us we had to go outside and it lightning I understand you have security I... Read more

Comments: 0

Customer service

Complaint from Olliebird on 11 July 2022 about Ollies Bargain Outlet.

My husband and I were waiting in line to check out and after ringing up the customer in front of us he just walked away no explaination. I asked for the manager girl at next register said he was, His... Read more

Comments: 0

Poor customer service

Complaint from customerservice on 11 June 2022 about Ollies Bargain Outlet.

Today, June 11th 2022 at about 12:30 I went to Ollies Bargain Outlet and needed some help with an 8ft by 8ft area rug. I walked over to the cashiers check out, waited in line for her to check out... Read more

Comments: 0

Rude employees

Complaint from Unhappy customer 87 on 06 June 2022 about Ollies Bargain Outlet.

My dad was interested in purchasing a ez up canopy that was on display and was told they didn’t have any in stock but if he wanted the display “he could take it down himself cause I’m not doing it”.... Read more

Comments: 0


Complaint from Torrielurae on 19 May 2022 about Ollies Bargain Outlet.

Manager Stacey McDaniel is stealing money and merchandise from the store as well As doing drugs and having sexual relations with several customers in the back room of the store. I can prove this with texts between her and mutual friends.... Read more

Comments: 1

Rude associates

Complaint from Melinda complaint on 03 May 2022 about Ollies Bargain Outlet.

First of I was not greeted by none of the employees standing in front when I came in. I then proceeded to the counter to ask a question about the solar lights. I asked the Caucasian Female for assistance... Read more

Comments: 0

Infested product

Complaint from Perez olga on 30 April 2022 about Ollies Bargain Outlet.

I bought a big bag of bird food which I paid close to $9 and when I opened bag it was infested with black bugs had to dispose of it. Read more

Comments: 0

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