Best Buy complaint: Customer service rep harrassment false ban woll have a lawsuit soon

Complaint from Tjohn1991 reported on 17 July 2023 about Best Buy

New complaint
Complaint pending
Complaint resolved
Complaint closed

My complaint:

I am going to file a lawsuit against a rep named jarvis located in northridge, CA 91324. Best buy
19350 Nordhoff Way, Northridge, CA 91324

. This rep has been disgusting and has a problem . And he’s about to be fired after this lawsuit I’m about to have on him. I’m holding best buy or him liable
I rely on stuff to get things done snd this impertinent sideshow has had prevented me from doing this and have had loss because of it . This has cause damage to making income as well as progression toward income this from fixing phones Nad making income from that as this is my local best buy and parts are needed to buy and get stuff done with in order to do things. I rely on getting parts and stuff from best in order to proceed and make my job consistent. Now this person has done so many vulgar things its ridiculous how much of a problem he has been. Its been some time since I’ve dealt with this because of it I haven’t been in thr store and up now until I hsve been focused on other avenue or best buys in other areas but now it’s to inconvenient snd caused a loss. And i meant to sue and have this taken care of before but now i have time to bring this to light to you. I have been harrassed been verbally asssaulted in cuss words and told derrwgorty things from this person. He is a homosexual but no offense this needs to be addressed becaue I feel this person has harrassed me and has been disturbingly harrassing me almost everytime I go in to the store and was constantly doing it o a daily basis. He needs to be sued first and foremost but as well he needs to be addressed for his nonsense and the damages done as well as the nonsense he’s needs to be fired for. I have been talked to disgustingly with him cussing at people showing he’s not meant to work let alone be in society with people. This trash belongs isolated at a mental facility wt hiw he talks to people and its sad that he’s still working there. Two things need to be addressed this worker jarvis and a nother security had been vulgar and sad I now they approached me and how this person thought they were going to actually present themselves by first approaching harrasing for no reason but thn creating a fake story to make things up but it’s clear they lied and made it up becsuse he walkng around andd he was hsrrassing me out of nowhere with other customers he left he came harrasing me for no reason and he has no point being around me when he left them and showed how desperate and weird he is to hsrrass someone and bother them . After wards he tried to pull this same lie and create a false thing on me. Which is what he did before but the manager denied it snd said it was not acceptable and talked to him because he was wrong in his approach and was horrendous in his behavior. This was a false ban and he created a false maxe up story to do it after I told him to leave me alone . He has problems the manager saw this and so the ban was a no go and said it was wrong of him. This person was wrong to be still employed in my opinion. He was knowing thst and I haven’t dealt with thst because of it. It’s been several months and I had come back but bow this jarvis guy is there but not the other manager. He is of course mad and holds a grudge and now of course laid a false ban again but no one is now there to tell him no. I came into store with him rushing to me harrassing me again and told me this. I want to file a lawsuit for defamation of character harrassment and damages lost from from no access to buying product for my business w loss of profit of my income. This person needs to b addressed and fired st the least it’s appalling and unacceptable. His name is jarvis and supervisor at 19350 nordoff way, Northridge, CA 91324. In going to have securoty footage and witnesses testimonies from my friend who saw everything and several employees who witnesses him set for court trial testimonies. I want to someone to address this first priority of telling this person to leave me alone , lift the ban, and don’t tell me anything.


Suggested solution:

Lift the ban and have him removed before I take him to court so I can continue shopping without getting harrassed

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