MSNBC complaint: Lawrence O’donnell

Complaint from Survivor reported on 09 January 2024 about MSNBC

New complaint
Complaint pending
Complaint resolved
Complaint closed

My complaint:

During the show hand off from rachel maddow to lawrence O’donnell: lawrence O’donnell, i believe, intended to abuse free speech by slandering viewers, or to verbally abuse viewers with free speech.

He said asked rachel what she would do (to participate in his preconceived slander provoking into, as is generally the case) when listening to future live audio court proceedings regarding politics, to which he replied that he would glue himself to the couch and try to be creative.

I believe this was to slander viewers who were infact on their couches being creative, tp sit quietly, and listening to news while creating a music playlist, due to being in fact: disabled.

I believe he intended to sound as though he could be confused as slandering viewers, premedatively, in anticipation if negating his real intent: to draw attention to viewers for having already complained, thus: potentially, again; monitoring viewers based on false pretense to establish false reasoning to further survival -not unlike stop and frisking them complaining about about it for sake of immunity, or not unlike flagrantly mis profiling base on the fact that msnbc is is an enterprise and yes- has security, but who int liscened to police.

I believe lawrence displayed yet another repeat attempt (if collectively recognizing the patterns of marginalization based on favoritism or lack there of, not even distribution of men with reputations pooling for public scrutiny and to wager targeting private citizens as their privilege).

Consider that after saying he’d glue himself to the couch and try to be creative that he instantly distanced himself from his pundit shtick only to leverage presidential candidates truths v lies by first implementing one candidate for to take away healthcare – as an excuse to berate viewers, which surprisingly seems as common a thing for him to do if one suspects a disabled person with a bad back to generally get up and shut the television off as quickly as possible.

…maybe news hosts divide and share responsibility for taking turns targeting specific viewers with things like generation or culture to advocate scapegoating exploited viewers they marginalized for already having complained -to further target viewers and lower standard treatment for the human condition… Or just sime disabled Puerto rican.

Suggested solution:

See the pattern of behavior for what it is: not an alter ego, tv personality, over censoring free speech, or viewers faults, or paranoia, but instead, toxic behavior meant to break from the political belief they promote and hypocritically defy when they repeatedly defy universally accepted minimum standards of appropriate behavior- just to wager their reputation against viewers based in favoritism, or lack there of -out if boredom and to impede private citizens privacy beyond locked doors- bc they work infront of a camera, and believe in invading privacy across local and state lines by self policing, then lying about it, flagrantly. Or you could just tell them to act like democrats and knock off trying to provoke and incriminate viewers out of hate.

Comments: 1

Comment by poster of the complaint Survivor

3 months ago - Your spelling is terrible, but i like how your non violent non combatant non defensive well speculative seemingly accurate rational logical conclusions and suggestions. Oh wait I wrote that.

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