Family Dollar complaint: Violations of ADA Compliance laws/An employee was disrespectful or rude to you

Complaint from Brown eyes reported on 31 August 2023 about Family Dollar

New complaint
Complaint pending
Complaint resolved
Complaint closed

My complaint:

Violations of ADA Compliance laws/Unable to redeem a valid coupon or discount/An employee was disrespectful or rude to you😪😭 and called Clayton County on a Lower customer I have been going to that store for a long time I know all of the managers an injures I have called miss Kim the district manager I received her number from one of you assistant manager her name is Michelle I also know little bit that works up at the other Family Dollar in Riverdale I also know Prince which is the district car nature of that store and all of the workers that works in there Miss Valerie was on duty at the time Everybody knows me my name is Christopher Belinda span I go by Belinda and everybody at that Family Dollar knows me I am a good Christian woman and I love to talk about God and give blessings ask all of your managers assistant managers I’m sorry about Belinda miss Belinda that’s what they call me the lady with the brown eyes you can also ask Prince but you’re employee tonight Have made my life a living hell I’m sorry I didn’t mean to say that word but I am destroyed I am so hurt I never had the police called on me for something I never did Please give me a call at 7708856585 I have a police report that have destroyed my life to have my mind is about to go crazy i can’t even lay my head down and go to sleep i feel like i am about to lose my mind for your employer to have the audacity to accuse me of saying that i threatened her life And now I am bored from your store that I know everybody in that store that works for your company I thought your company is called Family Dollar when I go into that store that’s what I But this particular nights I didn’t have money but I went to spin what I did hand I’m trying to get my discount that I know if you spend Uber $25 you are supposed to get a $5 discount my order was $79 and all she was giving me was a dollar discount I also clipped coupons that she refused to give me only things she was gonna give me was a dollar She was making me go do things twice I am 53 years old I took the bag of chocolates if you would look at your camera’s back She asked me to Go back and get the same ones that She told me to take back because those were the wrongs one that I had I WIN it got the right ones but now she’s gonna tell me to Go back and get the 1 that I took back and bring it to Her and I asked Her to Go and get it She refused to so I told Her that I would not be buying anything out of the store because You are refusing to give me my discount As I was leaving she was talking so I was responding to her I never once threatened her once I walked out I had to go back and let miss Valerie the one that corpses have asked to work in the store and break down the boxes and the other things that’s in there miss Valerie I inform us that she’s calling the police on me because I showed her I said don’t I suppose to get this discount she said yes she’s been mean to me all night and corporate Corporate told her to do something as she refused and she has been mean being so mean to me and hurt my feelings by telling me she was not going to help me but she’s walking around the store when she see the boxes are in the in n out and someone could follow the injury do yourself I am hurt I am destroyed I’m about to lose my mind if I gotta stay out of that store I would like someone to call me And I would like her job to be taken away job You do not need to work at any Family Dollar if she don’t know about family dollars name family family family so I need corporate to please give me a call and let me know that she has been fiand please talk to Prince and all of the other managers assistant managers in that store they know me they know I am a nice lady but now my heart is broken my heart is hurting Because of this one employee that thinks she’s gonna get away with stopping me from coming into a store that I’ve been coming in for years it’s a disgrace to have someone like that working for this company I’m hurting I’m not Even going to sleep tonight I’m gonna stay up all night and pray there’s someone give me a call so that I can stop crying I was so embarrassed to have 2 police officers with their life’s own Surrounding me that’s embarrassing I want an apology from her and to be Compensate it for my pain And embarrassment and I would like you all to get that police report and call the police office and let them know to dismiss this false statement because I would never ever in my life threaten no one especially a child when I got kids of my own I am 53 years old so I guess she said oh I’m gonna get Her And she came back in to talk to miss Valerie and she told me that if I go come in her sprin that store and go back there and talk to anybody in the store that she was going to call the police on me she said if I talk to anyone that’s my legal rights in that store she was going to call the police on me so I need to leave the store that is a violation of my civil rights I have a right to talk to anybody in that store and I want to talk to miss Valerie Call her and ask for her comments but she have violated my civil rights

Suggested solution:

By firing Imani spears an apology from her in writing and for her to go to the police station and tell them the truth about what really happened 😭😭😥 the truth and Compensate me for my pain suffering and my civil rights be violated you tell me how you all gonna solve this problem because I am really hurt but I gotta keep my feelings out of it my rights have been violated Uber a lie I need someone to call me ASAP tell me what kind of conversation they are going to send me And that I am allowed to go back into a store that everybody knows me and tomorrow tomorrow I want to be allowed to go back in the store I've been going to for 9 years I live right behind this store in my home I feel like I really need to ho to the hospital because my health is bad I have heart problems and I am in very bad pain especially when I was surrounded by cops car's like I was a Criminal And how would I rate my experience it's not even on your website because I refuse to rate just one give you a 1 store is 0 experience 0And how would I rate my experience it's not even on your website because I refuse to rate just one give you a 1 store is 0 experience 0 0 0 When I encourage people to come to the store all the time even though they don't want to I give encouragement that we need to keep this establishment open even though Even though we get treated badly by some of your employees especially the one that's working that I have named. P.s I have a disabled son at home and I may have to go to the hospital for my pain and find someone to watch him and I have never been thou some like this before.

Family Dollar complaint Violations of ADA Compliance laws/An employee was disrespectful or rude to you
Family Dollar complaint Violations of ADA Compliance laws/An employee was disrespectful or rude to you
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