Wish Complaint Sentiment: Neutral

Our sentiment meter has detected that Wish complaints over the past 28 days have remained within our normal fluctuation range, showing a change of 0%. While some customers might experience challenges with Wish, the steady level of complaints indicates that there hasn’t been a surge in widespread issues recently.

Sentiment data last updated on April 19, 2024

Wish complaint process

Do you have a dispute or had a bad customer experience with Wish? Submit your Wish complaint through our platform to support its escalation, prompting their customer service to resolve it.

We will make sure that your complaint receives the attention it deserves by utilizing our public transparent complaint process, social media, and other tools at our disposal. Our goal is to make sure your complaint is taken seriously by the complaint department of Wish.

By sharing your review on our platform, you not only assist other consumers but also contribute to our efforts in gathering valuable complaints data and feedback. Your insights are crucial for others to make informed decisions. In return, our support community may offer advice or feedback on how to address your problem.

Finally, we can turn your complaint into a professional Wish complaint letter — and send it to their corporate office on your behalf.

How to file a complaint about Wish?

File your complaint through our hassle-free complaint form to maximize the chance of resolving it. We make sure your complaint gets the attention it deserves!

Wish complaints chart

We have received 9 complaints about Wish over the last 12 months. The graph below shows a monthly breakdown.


Wish complaint statistics

Curious about Wish's track record in addressing complaints within the Retail Company category? Dive into the all-time complaints data right here!

Total complaints
Open Complaints
Complaints pending
Complaints resolved
/10 7161 ratings

How to contact the customer service of Wish?

Below, you will find the contact information for the complaint department of Wish. To amplify the impact of your complaint, please use our complaint form.

Complaint line phone number:
Webcare email:
Contact form:

You can contact the customer service of Wish by calling 1-800-266-0172. For Wish support through email, send your inquiry to support@wish.com. If you want to reach out to Wish through their own website, you can use their contact form.

Help us refine our customer service directory! Share updated or missing contact info to ensure everyone has the latest details.

Wish reviews: (7161)

Authentic experiences shared by our community for your benefit.

Clothing and earrings

Complaint from Laquita Watson on 18 December 2020 about Wish.

I havent relieved my packages.Its been a mo t I'm not satisfied with Wish at all. Read more

Comments: 0

Received a poor quality item

Complaint from Richard Cuff on 17 December 2020 about Wish.

I ordered a watch that I paid £126 for, the item didn’t match the pictures it was used to advertise it, it’s of very poor quality to the point then when I lift it it rattles, I have constantly contacted... Read more

Comments: 0

Customer Refund

Complaint from Cutyshai on 17 December 2020 about Wish.

I have 8 items ordered by wish to be refunded and I've waited 15 days but sadly I didn't receive my refund, I'm so disappointed how long should it take to get my refund??? Kindly help me with this problem... Read more

Comments: 0

False Advertising

Complaint from 4runnersrule on 17 December 2020 about Wish.

I bought a ultrasonic cleaner for $250 and in the description it said it was model DK3000d and holds 30 litres of fluid and dimensions 530x330x380mm . What I received is the smallest model they make the Dk300d which... Read more

Comments: 0

Refund policy sucks

Complaint from S.S. on 17 December 2020 about Wish.

I placed an order in May 2020, it was sent back to the manufacturer, and never resent. I asked for a refund of the $28 price of the item, and all I got was the $8.48 back for the shipping,... Read more

Comments: 0

Did not receive my phone or refund

Complaint from Selvyn on 17 December 2020 about Wish.

i ordered a phone on the 04 August 2020 and paid for it. i received a message back that i should receive my phone on the 03 November 2020. I waited patiently untill the 04 November 2020 to no avail.... Read more

Comments: 0

The bot always said my package is delivered, in fact it is not

Complaint from Dennis.pong@gmail.com on 17 December 2020 about Wish.

I accidentally clicked on Yes on one of the questions when I first contacted Support. The bot since thought the package was delivered. There is no way to change it. I need real support in terms of finding out what's... Read more

Comments: 0

Wrong product

Complaint from Bluegang21 on 17 December 2020 about Wish.

Ordered a battery charger was sent a battery tester Read more

Comments: 0

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