Harvest Morn Complaint Sentiment: Neutral

Our sentiment meter has detected that Harvest Morn complaints over the past 28 days have remained within our normal fluctuation range, showing a change of 0%. While some customers might experience challenges with Harvest Morn, the steady level of complaints indicates that there hasn’t been a surge in widespread issues recently.

Sentiment data last updated on April 25, 2024

Harvest Morn complaint process

Do you have a dispute or had a bad customer experience with Harvest Morn? Submit your Harvest Morn complaint through our platform to support its escalation, prompting their customer service to resolve it.

We will make sure that your complaint receives the attention it deserves by utilizing our public transparent complaint process, social media, and other tools at our disposal. Our goal is to make sure your complaint is taken seriously by the complaint department of Harvest Morn.

By sharing your review on our platform, you not only assist other consumers but also contribute to our efforts in gathering valuable complaints data and feedback. Your insights are crucial for others to make informed decisions. In return, our support community may offer advice or feedback on how to address your problem.

Finally, we can turn your complaint into a professional Harvest Morn complaint letter — and send it to their corporate office on your behalf.

How to file a complaint about Harvest Morn?

File your complaint through our hassle-free complaint form to maximize the chance of resolving it. We make sure your complaint gets the attention it deserves!

Harvest Morn complaints chart

We have received 6 complaints about Harvest Morn over the last 12 months. The graph below shows a monthly breakdown.


Harvest Morn complaint statistics

Curious about Harvest Morn's track record in addressing complaints within the Food and Beverage Brands category? Dive into the all-time complaints data right here!

Total complaints
Open Complaints
Complaints pending
Complaints resolved
/10 32 ratings

Harvest Morn reviews: (32)

Authentic experiences shared by our community for your benefit.

Unexpected item

Complaint from Victoriashaw69 on 15 August 2022 about Harvest Morn.

I opened a fresh box of wheatabisks poured my milk and went to eat them and noticed something really unusual it looked like either poo or wet car board but it's certainly put me off the whole box now and... Read more

Comments: 0

Choking on lump of burnt cereal

Complaint from MattOrm123 on 29 July 2022 about Harvest Morn.

I am considering taking legal action cereal should be checker for things like this i or any other person could have choked to death. I made a bowl, ate the floating cereal then when drink the milk from the bottom... Read more

Comments: 0

Hair in cereal

Complaint from Petelyn1978@sky.com on 19 June 2022 about Harvest Morn.

I made breakfast with clean bowl , but a hair which was in the cereal ended up in my mouth. Very distasteful indeed. I have very little hair so I know it came out of the cereal box. ... Read more

Comments: 0


Complaint from Poophead on 18 June 2022 about Harvest Morn.

Chocolate pillows have changed, and I know. They were so good tasting and texture, and made my morning. But now they are inedible. Read more

Comments: 0

Harvest morn

Complaint from Tiffany9999 on 16 May 2022 about Harvest Morn.

Had your cereal ( the small wheatabix bites with chocolate chip) to find there werent any chocolate in it, ive brought a few boxes and i havent been satisfied. Its a shame cause the boxes do look tempting. Read more

Comments: 0

red fruit benefit, recipe change !

Complaint from nene view house on 04 February 2022 about Harvest Morn.

It took me ages to find a breakfast cereal I liked and you go and change the recipe ! no improvement, it just tastes like every other breakfast cereal from other producers. I... Read more

Comments: 0

Choked on odd cereal piece

Complaint from SohaAbd on 16 January 2022 about Harvest Morn.

My mum was eating a bowl of Harvest Morn malted wheaties cereal when she choked on a very long, clumped piece of cereal. She was watching tv, as usual, so she didn’t notice it in the bowl. It got stuck... Read more

Comments: 0

Exceedingly poor change of recipie

Complaint from Baldacci on 08 January 2022 about Harvest Morn.

I have for several years enjoyed Harvest Morn 'Benefit' original cereal. But although I noticed that the packaging had been changed I missed the new recipie badge. The original recipie made nice crisp, tasty flakes. Thd new recipie makes hard,... Read more

Comments: 0

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