Dicks Sporting Goods Complaint Sentiment: Neutral

Our sentiment meter has detected that Dicks Sporting Goods complaints over the past 28 days have remained within our normal fluctuation range, showing a change of 0%. While some customers might experience challenges with Dicks Sporting Goods, the steady level of complaints indicates that there hasn’t been a surge in widespread issues recently.

Sentiment data last updated on April 20, 2024

Dicks Sporting Goods complaint process

Do you have a dispute or had a bad customer experience with Dicks Sporting Goods? Submit your Dicks Sporting Goods complaint through our platform to support its escalation, prompting their customer service to resolve it.

We will make sure that your complaint receives the attention it deserves by utilizing our public transparent complaint process, social media, and other tools at our disposal. Our goal is to make sure your complaint is taken seriously by the complaint department of Dicks Sporting Goods.

By sharing your review on our platform, you not only assist other consumers but also contribute to our efforts in gathering valuable complaints data and feedback. Your insights are crucial for others to make informed decisions. In return, our support community may offer advice or feedback on how to address your problem.

Finally, we can turn your complaint into a professional Dicks Sporting Goods complaint letter — and send it to their corporate office on your behalf.

How to file a complaint about Dicks Sporting Goods?

File your complaint through our hassle-free complaint form to maximize the chance of resolving it. We make sure your complaint gets the attention it deserves!

Dicks Sporting Goods complaints chart

We have received 2 complaints about Dicks Sporting Goods over the last 12 months. The graph below shows a monthly breakdown.


Dicks Sporting Goods complaint statistics

Curious about Dicks Sporting Goods's track record in addressing complaints within the Sports Store category? Dive into the all-time complaints data right here!

Total complaints
Open Complaints
Complaints pending
Complaints resolved
/10 38 ratings

How to contact the customer service of Dicks Sporting Goods?

Below, you will find the contact information for the complaint department of Dicks Sporting Goods. To amplify the impact of your complaint, please use our complaint form.

Complaint line phone number:

You can contact the customer service of Dicks Sporting Goods by calling 1-877-846-9997. If you want to reach out to Dicks Sporting Goods through their own website, you can use their contact form.

Help us refine our customer service directory! Share updated or missing contact info to ensure everyone has the latest details.

Dicks Sporting Goods reviews: (38)

Authentic experiences shared by our community for your benefit.

Harassment, discrimination

Complaint from BriFi on 12 May 2022 about Dicks Sporting Goods.

I complimented a employee, I went out of my way and to her she was unprofessionally beautiful. She took it to another level as if I insulted her and had the other employees come up to me and try to... Read more

Comments: 0

Very rude employee

Complaint from Steffy885 on 04 April 2022 about Dicks Sporting Goods.

Hi I was at one of your Ducks store today and one of your asóciate Justin , was very unprofessional , nasty and had not a hit of interested in taking care of me to the point , that we... Read more

Comments: 0

Racial profiling

Complaint from Markus9419 on 16 March 2022 about Dicks Sporting Goods.

When i shop in the store this white male manager approximately 6' 3 inches tall he make sure I see him give me a dirty look then he get an employee to follow me until I check out he... Read more

Comments: 0

additional charges

Complaint from Sharon@Ridgecrest on 20 February 2022 about Dicks Sporting Goods.

Made 2 separate purchases last fall. When I received my credit card bill Dick's had used my card to add an additional charge each time. I have no idea what these charges were for and nobody I spoke... Read more

Comments: 0

Price match and check Dicks Website.

Complaint from Coach on a Budget on 24 January 2022 about Dicks Sporting Goods.

Went to Dicks in Greenwood to purchase a baseball bat. Tried it out in batting cage, Louisville Slugger META Bbcor for $ 499.00. Found it online through Amazon for $ 349.00, showed it to salesman and he said price is... Read more

Comments: 0


Complaint from NAA on 03 December 2021 about Dicks Sporting Goods.

This complaint is due to a situation I heard from my brother that worked at said location. An employee filed a complaint against him, then he was spoke to by the manager and HR. He then quit due to this... Read more

Comments: 0

refused returned item

Complaint from golf on 11 November 2021 about Dicks Sporting Goods.

purchased and received golf jacket. Item too large. went to return item and manager (male with long fingernails) disrespected me by calling me out of my name. He would not take the golf jacket back. I had the original labels,... Read more

Comments: 0

Racist comments

Complaint from Person123 on 05 November 2021 about Dicks Sporting Goods.

On 1152021 at approximately 1:30, I was shopping at the warehouse location. There were three individuals engaged in a racist conversation that made me very uncomfortable. One of the phrases used was “white men can’t jump day” along with continuous... Read more

Comments: 0

Hunting licenses

Complaint from Hunting Licenses on 11 October 2021 about Dicks Sporting Goods.

For years I have putchased hunting and fishing licenses at Dicks in Greenwood. Today 10222021 I went there to purchase the bundle deer license. I was told they do not sell hunting licenses but do sell fishing licenses. I understand... Read more

Comments: 0

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